The local travel map and ticket app for Berlin city bus, tram, train & subway
BVG Fahrinfo is the official Berlin city transport map and ticket purchasing app, use it as your personal journey planner and buy tickets for all transport in and around the city. ؟
The BVG Fahrinfo app has maps of all transport throughout the city including the bus, train, subway and tram.
كيف تعمل؟ ؟
Input your destination
Check the travel information and plan your trip
Buy a ticket
Download the ticket straight to your device
هذا كل شيء!
It really is that simple! ؟
Are you late to a meeting in another part of the city and need to know the quickest route to work for all transport types? لا مشكلة.
Do you need to plan your connections and need access to all transport modes to plan your trip? That's no problem either.
If you are a Berlin local travelling the bus and subway every day and looking for the quickest route or here for the weekend and looking for the quickest train or tram to the Spree, we're here to help with the perfect route and ticket.
Buy your ticket and start your journey, we accept any of the following cashless payments:
• Direct debit (SEPA)
• Credit card (Visa, Mastercard & American Express)
• PayPal
• Google Pay
• Apple Pay
You can check out all of the information you need to travel like a local in Berlin with BVG Fahrinfo, you can also buy a ticket for any bus, train, tram or subway trip in the app. You will be able to view multiple travel options to suit your needs and buy a ticket in the city. ؟ ؟ ؟
Save your destinations ?
Taking regular trips to your favourite places? Why not save them and get quicker results, every destination is saved so you can start your journey quicker and plan your route.
Need to get home on the subway from your favourite restaurant or looking to pick up something sweet from your favourite store? Your saved destinations are there for you in the app.
Travel planner ?
BVG Fahrinfo has a map feature of all the different transport routes in the city and live travel information for all bus, train, tram and subway lines for Berlin and Brandenburg. Each map works in addition to the live travel information so that you can know which transport is best for you!
Ticket purchase ?
Select the best travel route or check the Berlin travel maps to buy a ticket for any bus, train, tram or subway trip using the app just press on the travel option you want to take or your chosen route, then press on the ticket and you are good to go!
We offer a variety of different ticket types to fit with your life, whether you are here for a weekend or a berlin local:
• Monthly pass (AB/BC/ABC)
• 7-day card (AB/BC/ABC)
• Monthly ticket trainee (AB)
• Berlin Ticket S (AB)
• 4-trip card
• Daily ticket
• Single ticket
• Short haul
• Connection ticket
• Tourist tickets
• Bicycle ticket
Multiple transport modes ?
BVG Fahrinfo offers a combination of travel options for you to use throughout the city!
Use classic bus, train and tram travel with transport options like car sharing, bike sharing and kick scooters to enhance your journey. It's so easy to use, whether you want to car share to the nearest to S-Bahn or pick up a bike and take it on the train to your next destination.
With BVG Fahrinfo you are not limited to public transport options only but have multiple options to choose from.
If you need a train, bus, bike, tram, car or a scooter we have you covered! Just open the map, get your current location and check out the travel options around you. BVG Fahrinfo has it all! ؟
Information updates ℹ️
BVG Fahrinfo is the way to take city trips, we offer up to date travel information on all bus, train, tram and subway so that you can plan your route with the latest updates and avoid any delays by using the Live Information feature to get around Berlin or use the Commuter Alarm feature and receive a notification about changes to your journey.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من BVG Fahrinfo: Route planner! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!